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"Many teachers have failed their students and, in return, failed the future of humanity. You, on the other hand, not only teach the subject assigned to you, but teach compassion, patience, and are just a wonderful woman to learn from. Thank you for sharing your light Ms. Miller!"


"I wanted to personally thank you for all of your advice and mentoring this year, especially when I was in most need of it. You have made this year special for me. Sculpture gave me a way to express myself in ways I thought I never could. It gave me a way out and wanted to thank you for giving me that out."


"I want you to know how much your classes influenced me, so much so that I have decided to minor in Studio Art with a specific interest in sculpture. I have taken a Sculpture I class, a Ceramics class (which was incredible), and next term I will be taking Sculpture II class and an independent study that integrates sculpture into it!"


"Thank you for teaching me the value that art has and the importance of patience. Thank you for the unconditional care, love, and attention you have shown me this school year. You really made bowie a better environment with your kind spirit and uplifting words. I love how you could relate to us students and instead of judging us, you guided us in the right direction. I will always remember you because you’re the kind of teacher that has an impact on lives. I enjoyed your class and I looked forward to it every day. I truly hope that your future, wherever that might be, is kind to you and that you keep being the great person you are. I’ve never met a teacher like you and for that, I appreciate you. I now have an open mind about how art is impacting society and how it will continue to impact it. I admire your teaching techniques and I hope others will soon be able to experience them as well. Farewell for now and take care <3."

Student Testimonies: Experience
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